Friday, July 15, 2005

Is a camera an offensive weapon?

A young photographer was stopped in Leeds City Bus Station by a Community Support Officer and asked to explain why he had a camera. "You could zoom into anywhere with that!" was the accusation. He was asked questions about his identity, what he was doing and where he was going. Not wanting to cause trouble, he complied and went on his way.

If this is the level of common sense that these officers deploy during a time of heightened security is it any wonder we miss the obvious. It's a case of "straining out gnats and swallowing camels".

Was he stopped because he was young, because he had a camera, because he looked like an easy target, to justify the officers existence? Who knows, but in a free society a young artist shouldn't have to face that kind of harrassment. I hope he took their picture and sells his story to one of the papers!


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